January 12, 2009

Yesterday, another swollen lip day

Wow. What the heck is going on with me? This time it's really messed up my bottom lip. The the inside texture is all bumpy and peeling. And the tip of my tongue is numb. Couldn't do much about it except take a Benedryl and lie down. Once that drug gets into my system it acts pretty much like a sleeping pill. So because of that, I missed out on bird counting in the Rouge Park (and the fact that it was supposed to be -20.) I don't have winter clothes that can deal with that kind of cold. Every year, for the past 5+yrs I've been saying to myself, "I need proper winter boots, but I'm going to hold off and see if I can get by without. Just 1 more season." There's maybe 3 more months of winter left. Let's see if I can squeek by another year without boots!

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